Baroque music is amazing!

We took a look at some of the most significant composers during the Baroque period, as well as some of their most influential pieces! The students learnt to analyse and describe songs based on rhythm, timbre, melodies, tempo, structure, dynamics… but most of all, they learnt to appreciate and love each piece.

These are the personal comments from the students about each piece:

Haendel Messiah, Hallelujah

  • When I listen to this song, I imagine how the people were in 1741. I imagine the kings eating in a big palace with lots of lords. I like the song because it´s different, it´s original and it has some intense moments, but it also is confusing because it has lots of contrasts.
  • Sincerely, this song gives me a lot of power! Like, those days when you feel like you can do everything! It is SO energetic. Before listening to this song in class, I thought that all classical songs were boring. I was wrong, I know. Actually, I love this song. Like, if I´m having a bad day, I could listen to this… With this song, I can feel only good things. Not like songs from today where you listen to it once and one or two months later you feel so bored about the song. 
  • I like this musical piece, it is very powerful and intense. It makes me think and remember many great things. For me, it is a piece with positive character. 
Leonard Cohen, Alellujah
  • This song is very emotional, harmonious… this song relaxes me. Before I listened to this song, I was so stressed, but the song h as relaxed me. It´s incredible! When I listen to it, I remember and imagine my family and I playing in the garden when I was young. I don´t know why, but I love this. There are more than 80 versions of this song, but in my opinion, the original of Leonard is the best and my favorite.
  • This song gives me a lot of old memories. It is a nice and lovely song. It brings very nostalgic things and is calm music and not stressful. Also, when I saw the video of Leonard Cohen singing, I thought that he really knew how to sing! Not like other singers that sing for money. Leonard Cohen sings with something else, a passion rom inside of him.
  • I love this song. I like playing it on the piano and it is a very beautiful song. It reminds me of my childhood because this song appears in Shrek.
J. S. Bach, Badinerie

  • I think this song is original and I love all the contrast and I like the speed of the song. When I listen to it I imagine an orchestra in a theatre. I like the song.
  • Sincerely, this song is TOO energetic! And it is that energetic and powerful thank to the mix of instruments so that it explodes in your brain! I can feel much more energized than before listening to it. It is incredible how Bach managed to do this amazing song. Also, it is my favorite song for the entire project. 
  • I like this song. It is calming and relaxing for me. I enjoy it so much when I listen to it. It is a great song for relaxing and having a great time.
Sheila Blanco, Badinerie
  • I have just also listened to the song of Sheila Blanco and I love it! She talks about all the history of music, like Mozart… it´s incredible!
  • I love how Sheila Blanco managed to create these fantastic lyrics. My heart feels for the lyrics. It is so passionate. It is a BIG work. I think she worked hard to create the lyrics. It makes you think about the life of J.S. Bach and realize that he was a very good composer!
  • I like this version of Badinerie. I think it is a simple way to explain a part of Bach´s life. It is entertaining and it is also fun. 

J. S. Bach, Cello Suite number 1
  • This song relaxes me and I love this melody. I think songs without any lyrics are more relaxing and emotional than songs with music. This song in my opinion is very emotional and impressionable. I like it.
  • This song is very calm. If you do yoga, this type of music helps to calm you. It is so well composed that it makes you say ¨WOW!¨I added this song to the list of relaxing meditational songs on Spotify because when I´m stressed, I need to listen to this beautiful song. It is a song that you will never forget!
  • I like this song. I think it is long, but I enjoy listening to it because it isn´t always the same. I think it is entertaining too. It is also very beautiful.
A. Vivaldi, Autumn (The four seasons)
  • I like this song! When I listen to it for the 1st time, I imagined Vivaldi playing in a big garden in all of the different seasons. I like Baroque music. I think I will continue listening to it.
Pergolesi, La Serva Padrona (aspettare e non venire)
  • I think this song is original and comic. I like to see and listen to comic operas/musicals because they are unusual. We normally thought that opera is a serious thing, but no, there is also comedy opera.
  • This song if so comical! You laugh easily because of his clothes and how he sings. This was one of the first operas I´ve listened to that was not boring. I always thought the first opera I would listen to would be super boring; however not all operas are boring! I love how he managed to act and let the public laugh in an opera. It is a fantastic work.
  • I think it is a very good opera and that it is very impressive and original. I would like to watch the whole opera.
